Although the recent concern about synthetic drugs is legitimate, organic and natural products have also fallen under scrutiny. Among the natural products that have misconceptions about it is Kratom. The plant is used for medical purposes and has misleading information that has caused undue concerns about the supposed impact on health. What is Kratom Before it is possible to recognize the differences between Kratom and unsafe substances, it is important to identity what it is and what it is not. Many misconceptions relate to assumptions about Kratom that are not true and ultimately are proven false. Kratom, which is also known as mitragyna speciosa, is an herb that grows naturally in Asia.

The herb has a long history in Eastern medicine for the pain-relieving properties that are found in the leaves. The herb naturally helps relieve pain, increases energy levels and does not have the harsh side effects of prescription medications. Synthetic Drug Misconception Although Kratom is a naturally occurring plant that has medicinal properties, it is often misrepresented in the media due to the outlets that sell the plant. Kratom has been sold in stores that also sold bath salts, spice and other synthetic drugs.

As a result, it was assumed that the product was actually a synthetic drug and was not a natural product. The idea that Kratom is a synthetic drug is a common misconception based on the venues that originally sold the plant. In reality, Kratom is a naturally occurring plant that is part of ancient medicine. When used with the direction and advice of a doctor, it is a potentially useful tool to overcome opiate addiction and reduce feelings of pain. Abuse Misconception Despite the potential benefits of Kratom, a common misconception is that it is an abused substance. Since it is sold by vendors who also sold synthetic drugs like bath salts and spice, it is assumed that Kratom is actually a substance that is commonly abused. In reality, Kratom does not cause a high or feeling of lethargy that is expected of certain drugs. The herb does not have reports to the poison control center or any reports of major health concerns after using it. In most cases, Kratom is used for the energy boost it provides, reducing pain or managing depression. Misconception About the Addictive Qualities Due to the alkaloids found in the plant and the suggestion that it has an effect that is similar to opiates, a common misconception that has arisen relates to addictive qualities. The misconception is that Kratom is highly addictive and causes severe health risks.

The truth of the matter is that Kratom is about as dangerous as coffee. Although some individuals can form a habit of drinking a tea made from Kratom or similar usage, it is not traditionally addictive in the way of illegal drugs and substances. Kratom does not have reported cases of behaviors related to real addictions. Taking Kratom does not lead to compulsively using it, increasing the amount or engaging in criminal behavior to continue taking it. A tea made from Kratom or similar usage can cause an energy boost and can help with depression, which can also lead to forming a habit of using it. Safety Concerns Among the misunderstandings related to Kratom is the concern about general safety.

Since many assume it is an unsafe material and a drug, it is also assumed that it has severe side effects and is unsafe for humans. The side effects of using Kratom are very minor and are much milder than prescription pain relievers or over-the-counter medications. In most cases, mild nausea or constipation is the most common negative side effect. The benefits far outweigh the possible side effects and most individuals do not face any negative health results. Kratom is a safe herb that does not have reports of toxicity or major health problems. Since it is a medicinal plant, it can have many health benefits because it naturally relieves pain and helps reduce feelings of depression or anxiety.

Recommendations for Fighting Addiction The misconceptions about Kratom are often related to the synthetic drug market. Despite that fact, Dr. Oz has recommended the herb for addiction treatment because it can help reduce certain symptoms of withdrawals and can reduce cravings during treatment. Opiate addiction is one of the hardest types of addiction to treat because the withdrawal symptoms are very severe. In some cases, withdrawals from opiates can lead to heart attacks, strokes, seizures and even death. Treating the symptoms depends on the severity of the withdrawals, but including Kratom can help. The reason that Kratom is useful is the naturally occurring elements found in the plant. Some of the medicinal properties have an impact on the opioid receptors that can help reduce the withdrawal symptoms during initial detoxification and treatment.

Although it impacts the opioid receptors, it does not cause a high or the lethargic effect that occurs while taking an opioid drug. When used in treating an opiate addiction, Kratom can help reduce the withdrawal symptoms that relate to the cravings and opioid receptors in the brain. It also helps alleviate some of the pain associated with opioid withdrawals and makes the detoxification process bearable when it is medically supervised. Although Kratom helps with the detoxification process, opiate withdrawal symptoms are potentially severe, so it is still important to have the process medically supervised. The severity of symptoms will vary between individuals and based on the level of addiction to opiate drugs.

Due to the ability to help reduce certain side effects of opiate withdrawals, Dr. Oz and other medical professionals have suggested Kratom as part of an effective addiction treatment when trying to overcome opioid drugs. It can help get through the first steps by alleviating some of the symptoms so that it is possible to work on the underlying causes of opiate addiction. Kratom is often misrepresented in the media as a synthetic drug or a dangerous substance. Due to the concerns about substance abuse, it is important to identify dangerous materials, but Kratom is not one of those substances. The truth about Kratom is that it is a medicinal plant that is safe for human usage.