How to Find the Best Online Kratom Vendor,

With hundreds of online vendors selling Kratom wholesale and Kratom bulk products, how do you know you are dealing with a reputable, trustworthy vendor? To ensure you are buying the best Kratom available from an online vendor, always start by reading their website carefully regarding the source of the Kratom they sell.

Cultivating Kratom requires the type of warm, humid environment found only in Southeast Asia–Thailand, Borneo, Bali, Indonesia, etc. Tropical climates are essential for stimulating alkaloid production in Kratom plants. Alkaloids and other phytochemicals are what give Kratom its therapeutic benefits. In addition, professional Kratom vendors have established long-term relationships with SE Asian Kratom farmers who are experts at growing pure Kratom.

Does the Kratom Vendor Sell Pure Kratom?

Like all other industries, the Kratom industry has its fair share of unethical vendors. Some of these vendors supplement their Kratom wholesale products with additives to produce different physical or mental effects. Some anecdotal reports from users consuming impure Kratom indicate these ingredients could present unwanted or even harmful side effects. So, beware of vendors touting Kratom with additives to “enhance” your experience. Only pure Kratom can guarantee the kind of safe, therapeutic benefits you want to enjoy from Kratom.

Has the Kratom Vendor Performed Lab Testing on Their Products?

Unless you know for certain that the vendor is an established Kratom seller who receives pure Kratom from overseas Kratom farmers, check their website for a verified certificate of analysis. Vendors often send Kratom bulk samples to third party laboratories for testing. These labs can tell the vendor whether it is contaminated with other ingredients. The name of the lab (or labs) should be visible on the certificate of analysis.

Does the Kratom Website Provide Educational Articles About Kratom?

With more peer-reviewed research studies being published about potential therapeutic benefits of Kratom, creditable Kratom sellers will publish authoritative information about their products. For example, a case study published in the November, 2020, edition of Frontiers in Psychiatry suggests there may be potential for Kratom to help people recover from COVID-19 symptoms. If you find plenty of interesting, authoritative articles on a Kratom vendor’s website, it means that the vendor is committed to ensuring customers understand more about Kratom than just profiting from selling it.

What is the Difference Among Kratom Strains? Do Trustworthy Kratom Bulk Sellers Offer a Variety of Strains?

All Kratom is the same “strain” of Kratom until it has undergone unique fermenting, curing and drying processes. Overseas Kratom farmers use different methods of processing Kratom to provide vendors with a variety of strains offering different effects.

One of the most popular strains of Kratom is green vein Kratom. This Kratom strain is made by drying leaves in a cool, dark room and then taking them outside. After one or two hours of exposure to sunlight, the leaves’ veins change from red (the vein’s original color) to green. This strain is said to increase focus, mood and energy, according to Kratom users.

The best Kratom wholesale vendors will offer a wide variety of Kratom strains with detailed descriptions informing the buyer why and how it should be consumed.

You Recieve a Timely Response from the Kratom Vender to Your Questions

Reputable Kratom vendors provide phone numbers, chat bots or email contact forms so that buyers can communicate their questions or concerns. If there is no contact information on a Kratom wholesale website, avoid doing business with this website. It’s possible you could be doing business with a rogue vendor who sets up a temporary website and vanishes once they make some money pretending to sell Kratom.

Why Not Just Order Kratom Directly from Overseas Sellers?

Although Kratom is legal in nearly all states, getting a shipment from Borneo, for example, past customs agents can sometimes be difficult. When you buy from an overseas Kratom seller, you are taking the chance that the Kratom bulk package you already paid for will be seized by agents at its port of entry. If this ever happens to you, be aware that neither you or the supplier has any recourse to take regarding search and seizures of Kratom.

Established Kratom sellers in the U.S. rely on professional agents to ensure their supply of Kratom remains reliable and uninterrupted. Customs agents specializing in receiving Kratom shipments from Asian countries are experienced and knowledgeable about making sure shipments pass inspection and are supported by the correct documentation.

Bottom Line–Not All Online Kratom Vendors are Equal

Take the time to research an online Kratom website before entering your payment information. Besides looking for contact information, certificates of analysis and vendor credentials, check the website for authoritative and informative articles about Kratom. If there is a section for customer reviews, take a minute to read what the vendor’s customers have to say about service, responsiveness and the quality of Kratom purchased. Contact the vendor via phone or email to see if you receive a timely response before placing an order. Finally, when you’re ready to purchase Kratom wholesale or Kratom bulk orders, consider using eCheck as a method of payment. It’s easy, fast and avoids accruing interest on credit cards.